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Pitch it: Introduction

Hi everyone,

November has started and as promised I would be back with a winter blog. As of Wednesday the National Team Program for 2018 has officially started. The first five practices are done now, only 7 weeks and 49 practices to go until Christmas and then the real 2018 starts! About 50 bonus practices for the new year and the new road to Chiba. Chiba? Yes, that is where the World Championships of 2018 will be held: Chiba, Japan from August 2nd through August 12th. Which means there are 9 months from now that will define what will be the new World ranking in Women's Softball. Let's go TeamKingdomNL!

The Pitch it Project

So, November, 5 months away from the season's start. I definitely have a love-hate relationship with this time of the year. I hate it because there is no games and not as much teamwork involved. I love it because there is time to struggle, experiment and focus on your personal development without having to perform right away. This it the part the year I have not shown you yet in previous blogs and where I hope to inform and maybe inspire you to make every 'off' season count.

Last year I did show you some of the fitness exercises I do to get stronger, but this project is going to take you through the winter of a pitcher, from feet to fingers, from glove to ball and from the mind to the body. It does take quite some skills and practice to become a pitcher...! The project will be the Pitch it project. An obvious name, it is all about pitching, plus.... I am pitching about pitching :)

Since 'becoming or being a pitcher', covers pretty much all aspects of life...?! I will try to focus on some specific focus points and/or subjects in each blog. The main ones that will show up each time will be: Mindset, Balance and Focus.


First and foremost I think the mindset of a person defines the person and in this cases the mindset of a pitcher the defines the pitcher. The mindset is going to be involved with every single practice and game but also the hours that are not spend on physical softball.


Since only a mindset can drive you crazy you always need to find balance, in life so also in pitching. You always seek balance throughout the actual pitch, throughout a game, throughout a practice week, throughout a season, both physically and mentally.


Have you ever tried to focus on everything at the same time? Yes, that's right, that is not possible, that is why it is called focus. From internal to external focus and from pitching focus to life focus.

A brief explanation of the three main words that will show up in the Pitch it Project. Are you ready to become a pitcher or get to know all about pitching and pitchers? Along the way of this Pitch it project I will hopefully answer all your questions and requests by covering different subjects and drills about/for pitching from my experience.

For now I can say prepare yourself: clean your glove, get a softie (a soft softball) and be ready to get to know your pitching self.

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